Friday, November 30, 2007

Week 4a

I believe that our genes have what to do on what we do the most. Like if someone’s parents are tall they will be tall if they are short they will be short. But yet the way people act around us have a big influence on what we do to. Yet I still believe that genes have the most to do with what people look like and act like. Another example if their grandparent or parents have cancer there is a greater risk that the kid will also have cancer during their lifetime. So as you see genes have more to do with us then the way people around us act.

Friday, November 16, 2007

T.V. Sitcom

If I had to create a T.V. sitcom I would create one about Matt and how his mom is so hot he is angry all the time because she is always going on dates with all of his friends. But Matt can’t do anything about it because his mom will not stop. Then one day Matt gets so ticked off he goes crazy on a kid named Stephen because he can’t stand that his mom will not stop dating all his friends. He finally took Stephen down and none of Matt’s friends never went out with his mom again.

Animal Resemblence

The animal I resemble the most is a chipmunk. He is quick and quiet and likes to eat and I don’t mind eating. I don’t crawl up trees but chipmunks do and another reason that I picked a chipmunk is because I like chipmunks and the way they act. I have nothing else to write and I need to have one hundred words nut I have nothing to say so I am just going on about nothing. Now, I have seventy words and I only need a few more and I think that all that I have written will be enough now.